things i love on this valentine’s week

there are some new things in my life that i love very much. i used to be one of those girls who was very bitter come valentine’s day. however, the Lord has blessed me very much and i’m happy to say that now, i absolutely love it. i don’t go crazy, like making my kids cards for 14 days leading up to it, but i also like to have a good time with it. 

in our living room, i have yarn wrapped letters that spell love. (much like this). i did those last february and thought “hey, maybe i’ll change an art print in our kitchen and the yarn wrapped letters for each holiday!” well, being the ambitious person i am (insert sarcasm) i did do the print last year, but the letters take for-ev-er. so, i just keep love up year round. well, i wanted to make our home a little festive for the big v day. my man and i already bought an ipad mini, and we’re going to see andrew peterson in memphis on friday night. so, valentine’s day is going to live on in our life for a little while. 

i made this a few weeks ago


the boys love it (they keep calling it the “balentine’s banner and balentine’s cards) and it adds just the right about of pink and red to get me in the mood. also, it’s made me want to love my kids a little more, because “LOVE” is staring me in the face. all you need is some twine, scrapbook paper, and felt (or foam) for the letters. simply cut out your hearts, then cut out the word “love” (i free-handed my letters, but you could definitely print out letters in a fun font and trace them), then string it all together and put it up in your house. voila! easy peasy!


i also love this print 


i got it fro one of my favorite blogs she did (and is planning for it to start back up soon) a meal plan that came with a print each quarter, and i love this print. it makes a lot of sense really. this print has actually taken the place of the holiday print. go figure!


a couple other things i’m loving right now…

my new table


which will seat lots of kids (there’s a leaf that goes in it and we can fit 9 around it!)



Imagei also am LOVING my new cuisinart dutch oven which i got for a steal at tj maxx for $39!



get in my belly!


i hope this valentine’s day brings lots of love your way!! 



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One thought on “things i love on this valentine’s week

  1. Love this, Janie! This is the first time I have ever really celebrated Valentine’s day, too. I actually did do 14 days of notes to Joe. It was pretty easy because I just shared a memory of our 7 years together and gave him a little chocolate every day to go with it. It’s been fun to remember where we have come from (especially for those hard days when you really need that reminder!). I love your creativity and the small things you do to make your family feel loved. you are a great mommy and wife! And I LOVE you, too! Happy V-Day!

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